Thursday, July 17, 2008

Plugging into July

I made it past my birthday. Now I'm on the home stretch for the 40 year old club. Wonder if it's like boy and girl scouts, will I get a badge? My birthday was fun. A bunch of my friends and I got together at Bonner Park that night because the Missoula City Band was was cool stuff like music from Pirates of the Carribean. My friends forgot to bring my birthday cake so I didn't have any candles to blow out but right about at the same time, Mt Sentinel caught on fire so they told me I could go try to blow the mountain out. It was pretty spectacular until Gracie looked up and saw the fire, panicked and puked. Dairy Queen everywhere. It's all good now.

About 300 acres burned. We now have a black mountain to look at on the drive to work. I giggle every time I look at it thinking what great friends I have to light a mountain for me on my birthday.

1 comment:

Fyremandoug said...

If it isn't Sentinal it Jumbo that catches on fire......
your valley likes to burn, What a cool birthday candle