Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hot Rod Harry

Well the kid (Cameron) got his first speeding ticket the other night. Can't seem to keep his foot out of it since putting the new engine in his Monte especially since the pipes sound sweet when it's romped on pretty good. The problem is, Missoula is currently being visited by Hell's Angels. Everywhere you turn you see the black of leather and hear the rumble of Harleys. Of course the police are on full patrol and pulling over everything that doesn't follow the rules to a "T." He got to take a field sobriety test, just in case, and was ticketed for 10 miles over the speed limit. Good thing he pays his own insurance cuz it's gonna suck now. Oh the lessons of life can be difficult yet sometimes they just have to be that way for us to learn a single blasted thing.

He better behave on the drive down to Oregon or I'll throw him in the gorge.


Fyremandoug said...

I saw that the bad boys in black were in town, So what did they Ding
Cameron for with his ticket

Dreamsicle said...

He hasn't gone to court yet. We'll find out then.

There are motorcycles all over the place, as far as the eye can see. They ride by my office and my butt rumbles without even being on one of those's kinda fun.

Fyremandoug said...

The words "Butt" and "Rumbles" should not be used in the same sentance